
PaladiuM has several initiatives that promote e-governance and electronic services in Romania. Please take a look at current projects and get in touch with us!

  1. Personal Electronic Services Management System or Platformă pentru managementul serviciilor electronice personale is a software solution that promotes the development of an independent platform where citizens can control their electronic identities, share date and initiate electronic services with public authorities and commercial business entities;
  2. Interactive GIS parking management system or Platformă interactivă GIS pentru optimizarea locurilor de parcare is a software solution that promotes the development of an crowd-sourcing data repository regarding the parking lots available in the urban areas, a basic source of data for citizens, local authorities, urban planners and investors;
  3. Safe Property Transfer Notification System through the use of electronic services is a software solution that brings several institutions on a collaboration platform that aims to easy notify the transfer of property in case of sale transaction to local public authorities. This initiative is described from the Cadaster Authority point of view – Extinderea serviciilor electronice către cetățeni și instituțiile publice ,as well from the local authorities point of view – Automatizarea proceselor privind înregistrarea proprietăților;
  4. Student safe medical records sharing system (among medical offices and schools) or Soluție electronică securizată pentru partajarea documentelor medicale privind elevii is an electronic mechanism based on “blockchain” that facilitates secure sharing of personal records between doctors and schools;